Washing machine me sukhaya gehu video: There are more than one juggling person around the world, whose talent surprises many times, then it makes it think many times. Recently, social media users are also shocked to see the feat of one such brother-in-law. In this video going viral, a person has put such a good jugaad of drying wheat in the washing machine, which is bound to be surprised to see. After watching this video on the internet, some people are tying bridges of praise. At the same time, some people are taking a lot of pleasure by giving more than one reaction.
You have rarely seen such jugaad
People are changing with the changing times and in busy lifestyle, they find such hacks many times to make their work easier and hurry, which makes it difficult to believe in their own eyes. These days, a similar video is drawing a lot of attention to the people on the Internet, in which a person is putting a wonderful desi jugaad for drying wheat in the washing machine. In today’s time, people bring picked wheat flour packets from the market, but first people used to wash wheat in the houses and then put them in the sun and put them to grind the mill after drying them, but now with the changing times Some of these processes are also changing.
Watch video here
Can you do this in a washing machine too?
In the video, people are very fond of drying the man’s wheat in the washing machine. In the video, it can be seen how the person keeps the wheat inside the cloth in the dryer (dryer) and removes them in a tub. This video has been shared on Instagram with a handle named @Altu.Faltu. A user who has seen the video wrote, “Hey brother, what did it do, another user wrote, this idea should not go out of India.” The third user wrote, the washing machine must also be saying that mother is being misused by my strength, this world is very bad mother. The fourth user wrote, Ninja Technik to dry wheat.
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