Tips to Check Poisnous Cashew: Cashew is a dry fruit that is considered extremely beneficial for taste and health. But in today’s time, adulteration is seen in everything in the market and now cashew is also included in this list. Cashew is a dry fruit that is considered very beneficial for health. Whenever there is talk of dry fruits, cashew is mentioned first. Because cashews get all the properties like copper, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, thiamine, vitamin B6, vitamin K, iron, potassium, which provide many benefits to the body. Many types of recipes can be made from cashew nuts. But do you know whether the cashew that you are eating is real or fake? If not, then identify like this.
How to identify real and fake cashew- (Kaju ki pahchan kaise kare)
1. Color-
The color of real cashew nuts is light white or light yellow. If the color of cashew is more white or more yellow, then it can be fake. So avoid taking such cashews.
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2. Size-
The real cashew is about one inch long and slightly thick. Fake cashews are usually of uniform size. You can identify real and fake cashews with size.
3. Taste-
The taste of real cashew is mild sweet and oil, while the taste of fake cashew is bitter. You can identify real and fake cashews with taste.
4. fragrance-
Real cashews cause a lot of fragrance, while fake cashews can have a smel like oil. Therefore, while buying cashews, definitely see it smelled once.
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