How to Reduce Fat in Hindi: The problem of increasing obesity from children to elders is one of the common problems of today. This problem increases in the most winter season. Because during this time we consume more calorie food. And physical activities also decrease. If you also want to reduce obesity, then you can do this by making some small changes in your routine. Let us tell you that obesity not only causes diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes, but it also weakens the ability to fight against diseases. So let’s know what changes to reduce weight.
How to keep weight under control- Vajan ko kaie control kare:
1. Lukery water-
The morning should always start in a healthy way. Many people prefer to consume tea and coffee on an empty stomach in the morning, which is harmful for health. If you want to keep your weight low and the body fit, then drink a glass of lukewarm water every morning on an empty stomach.
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2. Physical Activity-
Exercise with diet is also very important to keep the body fit. If you want to control weight, then you can resort to yoga, stretching, or light workout. It is very important to include the body or any physical activity in the routine.
3. Seasonal fruit-
Every season has its seasonal fruits. Fruits are considered very beneficial for health. If you want to control weight and keep yourself fit, then include seasonal fruits in the diet.
4. Distance from junk foods-
In today’s time, people like to eat junk foods from big to small. Consumption of refined and processed causes obesity. If you also want to reduce weight, make distance from these things.
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