Tulsi Leaves in Laddu Gopal Puja: Many devotees of Lord Krishna worship Laddu Gopal. He takes care of Laddu Gopal in his house like a child and worships him by law. In this form of devotion, Vatsalya religion is predominant. However, there are also many rules for worshiping this form of Kanha ji which are necessary to follow. In Hinduism, Tulsi plant is considered very sacred and basil leaves are used in worship recitation. Tulsi is very dear to Lord Vishnu, so Tulsi leaves are definitely included in the worship of every form. Tulsi leaves are definitely included in the worship of Lord Krishna. It is considered necessary to use Tulsi leaves in Laddu Gopal Puja in the worship of Laddu Gopal. However, in the worship of Laddu Gopal, there are some rules related to the use of Tulsi leaves which must be followed. Let’s know …
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Keep these things in mind while using Tulsi leaves in the worship of Laddu Gopal – Tulsi Leaves in Laddu Gopal Puja
Not using stale leaves
According to religious belief, the stale leaves of Tulsi should not be used at all in the worship of Laddu Gopal. Along with this, it should also be kept in mind that the leaves should not be dry and chopped. It is not considered auspicious to use such leaves in worship.
On this day you can use already broken leaves
There are few days when it is forbidden to break the basil leaves. At such a time, using the already broken basil leaves for worshiping Kanha does not cause any fault. Breaking basil leaves on Sunday and Ekadashi is considered taboo. On this day, the leaves can be broken in advance for worship.
This is how to use broken leaves first
For worship of Laddu Gopal on Sunday and Ekadashi, Tulsi leaves should be broken a day before and soaked them in water. By keeping this way, the leaves do not dry and are worth use in worship.
When to break basil leaves
Tulsi leaves should be broken in the evening a day before on Sunday and Ekadashi on the day of Laddu Gopal and on Ekadashi. The broken leaves can also be kept in copper pots and can also be kept in it.
The use of such leaves is not good
If the broken leaves dries a day before, they should not be used for worship the next day. Such leaves are not acceptable to Laddu Gopal.
Must add basil leaves in enjoyment
Bhog is very important in the worship of Laddu Gopal and it is necessary to offer them four times every day. Tulsi leaves must be put in every enjoyment offered to Laddu Gopal. It is believed that Lord Vishnu is very dear to Tulsi and he does not accept enjoyment without basil leaves. This rule also applies with every form of Lord Vishnu.
Must keep these things in mind
Devotees who worship and serve Laddu Gopal should always take care of these rules during their worship and enjoyment. It is believed that by following the rules of worship, the full benefit of worship is obtained and the grace of God is attained.
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