New Delhi:
Will there be a ban on wearing burqa in maharashtra board exams 2025: Maharashtra Board examinations including Bihar, MP, Gujarat are starting in February. Board exams For all the state boards have made many rules, including dress code. Most of the state boards, including CBSC, are compulsory for the students to come to school uniform for the exam. The student’s hat, cap or any kind of scarf is forbidden to cover the face. The board examinations of Maharashtra are also starting in February, in which there is a demand to stop the students’ burqas. According to HT news, Maharashtra minister and BJP leader Nitesh Rane has demanded a ban on wearing burqas during the next month’s Maharashtra 10th and 12th examinations to be held next month. In a letter to the school education minister Dada straw, he said that allowing girls to wear a burqa in the examination hall can lead to a disturbance in the examination and can also cause security related problems.
The minister said that students appearing in Maharashtra class 10th and 12th board examination 2025 should not be allowed to wear burqas. If necessary, women police officers or women employees should be appointed to investigate. He said that if the candidates are allowed to wear a burqa, it would be difficult to find out whether electronic devices or other means are being used to copy. Rane, MLA from Kankavali, has a fisheries and port development department. Officials said that the Ministry of School Education has not yet reacted to their demand.
Let us know that Maharashtra board exams are starting from 11 February. First of all, the examinations of class 12th will start. Maharashtra Board Class 12th Exam will start from February 11. At the same time, Maharashtra Board Class 10th Exam 2025 Exam will be conducted from 21 February. However, the board has not yet issued the admit card for Maharashtra 10th 12th Exam 2025.
Gujarat Board Exam 2025: Admit Card released for Gujarat Board Class 12th Practical Examinations