Symptoms of Kidney Damage : Kidney, like brain, heart and liver in the body, is also considered a very important part. The main task of the kidney is to filter the toxin hidden in the body and take it out of the body. If seen, the kidney acts like a filter in the body and it works to make urine (urine) by taking out the toxin hidden in the blood. Along with this, the kidney also works important to control blood pressure and make water balance in the body. In such a situation, if the kidney becomes bad, then many natural work of the body stops and the body can fall prey to many diseases.
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These problems occur due to kidney failure (kidney damage effects on body)
If the kidney gets spoiled, the body can be a victim of many problems. When the kidney is damaged, toxin is not filtered in the body and toxic substances start accumulating in the body. In such a situation, the kidneys are not able to do their natural work. The chances of high BP, heart disease increase when the kidney deteriorates. If the kidney gets damaged, then there is a lack of blood in the body. The bones of the person start to weaken and potassium starts accumulating in the blood. Apart from this, there are urine related problems in the body. Kidney malfunction also affects the immune system and it starts to weaken. Many times the kidney becomes so bad when not understood the symptoms, that the kidney failure comes. In such a situation, it is important that the symptoms of kidney malfunction are understood correctly. Some changes in the body at night and some problems indicate that the kidney is deteriorating.
Fatigue is to be tired at night
If you are feeling more tired at night, then it is a sign of kidney failure. Frequent feeling fatigue and especially at night, reduced energy levels are a symptom of kidney failure.

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Less sleeping at night
If you are not feeling sleepy at night even after a day’s work and fatigue, then it can be a sign of kidney deterioration. Actually, when the kidney starts deteriorating, it is not able to clean the toxin in the right way. Toxin and dirt starts dissolving in the blood. This affects the sleeping pattern and does not sleep at night.
Frequent urine (frequent urination)
If you are usually you are getting urine again and again even after drinking water, then this is alarm of kidney failure. When the kidney fails to filter the dirt of the body properly, then the dirt of the body dissolves in the blood. In Ace, these toxins are not able to get out through urine. Because of this, urin comes again and again. Many times urin also shows foam which are signs of kidney failure.
Rashes on skin
If there is a problem of itching and irritation on the skin while sleeping at night and rashes are seen on the skin, then it is a sign of kidney failure. When kidney damage starts, the balance of nutrients in the blood starts deteriorating. It also shows an effect on the skin and the skin starts to have rashes and itching. Many times swelling on the skin also starts appearing.
Disclaimer: This material including advice only provides general information. This is not an alternative to qualified medical opinion in any way. Always consult an expert or your doctor for more information. Lokjanta does not claim responsibility for this information.