Best food for digestion: Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev (Baba Ramdev) not only gives people inspiration to do yoga, but also tells such food items which are very beneficial for our body. It is said that if our digestive system is rich, then it is better for our overall health. Digestive system may also cause many serious problems due to malfunction. In such a situation, to strengthen weak digestion and to improve the digestive system, Ramdev Baba has told some food items that protect against problems like stomach pain, constipation, gas. So let us tell you about those effective food items that can improve your digestive system.
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Disadvantages of Weak Digestive System)
When we eat more fried, sweet or oily food, it does not know the right way and it affects our liver function, it turns into extra fat and starts freezing in the liver and intestine, so that irritable bull Syndrome, inflammatory basal disease, diarrhea, leiky gut syndrome, even the risk of cancer also increases. According to a report, 14% of the people in the urban part of India are troubled by the old constipation problem and the risk of many diseases including diabetes and sleep increases. Experts believe that there is a two way communication between the intestine and the brain. If there is inflammation in the intestine or any problem, it can effect neurotransmitters such as serotonin in the brain. One who acts like a network of veins, sends messages between brain and gut. Due to the problem of this, neurological diseases including Alzheimer’s-Parkinson can also occur. In such a situation, to avoid intestinal disturbances and to improve the digestive system, you can adopt tips for Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev.
Do 40 minutes of yoga daily (Yoga 40 minutes daily)
Yoga guru Baba Ramdev promotes yoga world wide and says that it can get rid of the biggest diseases. Similarly, if only 40 minutes of yoga are done to fix the digestive system, then the intestine is healthy and the digestive system is also strengthened.
How to make digestion perfect
If you want to improve your digestive system, then wake up in the morning and drink lukewarm water first, besides you can consume aloe vera and giloy juice in the morning. Avoid eating market items, boil water and drink lukewarm and eat light food at night.
How to get rid of constipation)
If you are troubled by constipation problem, then you should consume food items like papaya, vine, apple, pomegranate, pear and guava in your diet. They are rich in fiber and help to remove constipation problems. Apart from this, to get rid of constipation, you can chew fennel and sugar candy, boil coriander, cumin, fennel water and consume it and eat roasted ginger after eating.
Get rid of acidity (get rid of acidity)
The problem of acidity has become very common nowadays, there is a burning sensation in the chest, to avoid this, you can drink gourd and basil juice or drinking vine juice is also beneficial.

Relief from Gas Problem will get rid of gas problem
If gas is produced in the stomach and causing stomach pain, then you should eat sprouted fenugreek. Apart from this, you can also drink fenugreek water, soak fenugreek in water at night and boil it in the morning and eat it and sprout this fenugreek and eat it for breakfast. Consuming pomegranate, Triphala powder is also beneficial and remember to eat the food well.
Ways to Strengthen Intestines)
If you want to strengthen your intestines, then chew fresh rose leaves and eat. Apart from this, make a paste together with rose leaves, fennel, cardamom, honey and consume this paste on an empty stomach every morning, it also strengthens the intestine.
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