Home Remedies to Get Periods: These 6 home remedies can help call periods early
How to Get Periods Immedited at home: Periods are a natural process that every woman has to pass. During this time, not only physical but mental changes are also seen in a woman. Which are called hormonal changes. Periods are very important for the health of women, but at the same time it sometimes becomes the reason for their tension. This is because according to Indian belief, no woman can join any religious work after the period. Therefore, its date has to be taken care of. Many times, due to these periods, they also have to cancel many of their plans.
During the period, women have to face problems like stomach and back pain and due to the difficulty in changing the pads and doing physical activities again, they are not able to enjoy these functions. Then every woman thinks that I wish there was a solution that would immediately get free from this problem and her periods would come ahead of time. Plans from pregnancy to anywhere depend on women’s periods. In such a situation, if bringing periods quickly, one way is left. How can you bring periods quickly. There are many domestic methods. So let’s tell you about the home remedy to bring periods early.
Home Remedies to Get Early Periods)
- Hot water compress: The most easily available method is the use of hot water. For this, you have to take a little more hot water in a packet or bottle. Then he has to keep it in the lower abdomen for 10-15 minutes daily. By doing this your period will come soon.
- With the help of vitamin C: Vitamin C has a very important role in our body’s chemical processes. For example, it reaches the nerves of various messages and along with it it also has a role in the flow of energy. Vitamin C also helps in bringing periods early. Its special thing is that it can be easily found in fruits like lemon, tomato, kiwi fruit, broccoli, orange etc.
- Periods come early from making physical relations: Yes, it is absolutely true. Actually, whenever you make a physical relationship, many types of hormones are released in your body. These hormones also bring some periods to bring early. If you are going through the date of periods, then it can come many times in 5 to 10 minutes.
- With the help of papaya: Papaya is a fruit in which plenty of vitamins are also found along with excellent taste. Along with many nutrients found in it, carotene is also found which helps in bringing the period of women early. If you want to bring a period quickly, then you should include plenty of papaya in your diet.
- Ginger tea is helpful: To bring the period early, you have to drink two cups of ginger tea daily. This is a very easy way. Ginger is hot, in such a situation, more consumption of ginger is expected to come early.
- Coriander: Coriander must have been used a lot as a spice, but now you can also use it to bring periods quickly. Put a teaspoon of coriander seeds in two cups of water and boil it till the water remains one cup. Now filter the coriander and drink this water thrice a day.
(Disclaimer: This material including advice only provides general information. It is not an alternative to qualified medical opinion in any way. Always consult an expert or your doctor for more information. Lokjanta does not claim responsibility for this information Does.)