Whenever we are going to give an exam, we live in a hurry and are nervous. And if your exam center is far away from home, then you have to leave long before reaching on time. In such a situation, many times the candidate reaches the exam center late or forgets some of his goods like admit card at home. There must have been a time in everyone’s life when he would have reached the exam center late or forgot to take his admit card. Recently, something similar happened with a student of Bihar, when she reached the late exam center and the entry gates there were closed. But the girl took such a jugaad to enter inside the center that everyone was shocked to see. Whose video is now becoming fiercely viral on social media.
Millions of candidates participated in an examination held in Bihar. Many students arrived late at the examination center and as a result they were not allowed to enter. Some presented their side and some returned home disappointed. But, in this video going viral, the jugaad of a girl imprisoned is going viral.
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This video, seen by millions and liked by more than 12 lakh people, shows the crowd of students outside the gate of a closed examination center. Suddenly, a girl in a yellow suit leaves the crowd and lies on the ground. Then she moves forward by moving from the place between the gate and the ground and finally she succeeds in entering inside the gate in this way.
This video is being shared a lot and people are commenting fiercely on it. A user commented, “Which college is this, brother?” One user shared, “So I arrived at 7:30 pm, so I will not have to do all this.” The other said, “Even at my center, only a few students can take the exam.” One enjoyed having fun, “Bihar is not for beginners,” while the other said, “This is Bihar, anything can happen here.”
Watch this video also: