Causes of wrinkles: Sugar is often the first thing for anyone living on healthy diet which he leaves. Whether it is for weight loss, for the toned body or for the glowing skin, the image of sugar is bad. Many people adopt “healthy” options like jaggery or honey instead of refined sugar, thinking that it is a better option. But, is it really? Celebrity cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Jayashree Sharad says that it is not so. Speaking on The Fitkru Show Podcast, he has emphasized that if your skin is clean, then all types of sugar – even natural sugar should be avoided. How can sugar harm skin.
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Speaking about this, Dr. Jayashree Sharad said, “We insist that when we say sugar, we do not say organic jaggery, honey and coconut sugar. All sugar, all sugar, your insulin at the end of the day For example, it will increase the inflammation process. Acne will be more likely to be a pimples.
Dermatologists also talk about how one should limit the use of the beginning instead of cheating themselves using the so -called “healthy” options. Dr. Jayashree Sharad says, “And then, there is something called Advanced Glocation and Products, which will accumulate in the body. When it is stored, the process of decay of collagen and elastin is very fast again. Your skin starts to loose more.
Therefore, we say, please avoid consuming sugar as much as possible, but do not cheat yourself by saying that you are taking healthy sugar. Take it with restraint or probably. “The clip is shared with a caption on Instagram,” How does sugar affect your skin? Celebrity cosmetic dermatologist with 24+ years of experience is excited to present Dr. Jayashree Sharad! Known to work with Bollywood’s A-Listers, he is a skincare expert specializing in anti-aging, pimples, scars, filters, boatox, laser and more. A ted speaker and bestseling writer. “
Therefore, if you want clean and healthy skin, stay away from sugar and follow the healthy diet.
(Disclaimer: This material including advice only provides general information. It is not an alternative to qualified medical opinion in any way. Always consult an expert or your doctor for more information. Lokjanta does not claim responsibility for this information Does.)