Kaun Kisko Khoon De Sakta Hai: Blood flowing in our body is one of the eight different blood groups. These are blood groups – A, B, AB and O positive and negative. On the basis of these blood groups, it is decided which blood can be offered to us in an emergency or what blood donate can we do to help someone. But have you ever wondered why there are so many groups of our blood? The reason behind this is that the blood group is fixed on the basis of protein and carbohydrates on the surface of red blood cells present in our blood.
What is blood group, blood group is decided? (Blood Types in Hindi)
Our blood is mainly formed from four components: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma. But none of these blood groups decide. The blood group is actually determined by the antibodies and antigens present in our body.
Antibodies are a type of protein found in plasma. When there is an infection in our body, antibodies become active to stop it. Antigens, on the other hand, are foreign substances that can threaten our body. When antigens enter our body, antibodies recognize them and work to destroy them. This process plays an important role in determining our blood group.
Who can give blood to whom?
How is blood groups classified and matching? So four main blood groups – A, B, AB and O – are divided into two categories. When it comes to giving or taking blood, it is important to know whether the blood groups of both sides match or not.
Who can donate blood to whom Chart: Learn who can donate blood here.
- O positive blood group: It can usually give blood to everyone. Therefore, they are also called universal donor. People of this blood group can donate their blood to all positive RH people. But when it comes to taking blood, they can take blood only from their blood group.
- A positive blood group : Apart from their blood group, these people can give blood to AB positive ones.
- A negative blood group: Along with A negative and positive, AB negative and positive blood group can be given blood.
- B positive: B and AB can give blood to both positives.
- B Negative: B positive, negative and AB positive, negative, can give blood to these four groups.
- O negative blood group: Can give their blood to all blood groups.
- AB positive blood group: If the person can give blood in the bean blood group itself.
- AB negative: AB can give blood to both negative and positive.
Which is the Universal Donor Blood Group? – Which blood group is donor to all?
A person of every blood group cannot donate blood to all, but people with O blood group are special in this matter. O blood group is called universal blood donor, as it can donate blood to people with all blood groups. People with O blood groups do not contain antigens A, B and RHD, due to which this blood group can give blood to any other blood group. Especially, people with O-Blood Group can donate blood to a person with any other blood group at any time. It is important to note that people with O+ blood group can donate blood only to people with O+, A+, B+ and AB+ blood group.
(Disclaimer: This material including advice only provides general information. It is not an alternative to qualified medical opinion in any way. Always consult an expert or your doctor for more information. Lokjanta does not claim responsibility for this information Does.)