America is very strict about illegal migrants. As soon as the President was sworn in, Trump issued orders to take action on US ILLEGAL MIGRATES. According to The Hill’s report, Trump said on Wednesday that he would deport illegal migrants in Guantanamo Bay. He has said to sign an executive order to prepare a facility for the exile of illegal migrants in the Gulf.
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Trump’s strictness on illegal migrants
This order of Trump will instruct the Defense Department and Homeland Security Department to prepare a migrant facility of 30,000 persons in the Gulf of Guantanamo. In comparison to The Hill’s report, this facility in Cuba is used to keep military prisoners, including many prisoners involved in 9/11 attacks.
30,000 bed arrangements in Guantanamo Bay
Trump said in a program signed to enact the relay act to make a law that there is a provision of 30,000 beds in Gwantanamo Bay. The worst criminals who threaten American people are kept in Gwantanamo Bay. Trump said that some of them are very dangerous. We do not trust the countries catching them, because we do not want them to come back. That is why he has decided to send him to Guantanamo. Trump’s order is a new step towards efforts to deport immigrants from America.
America’s dangerous prison is Guantanamo
Guantanamo Bay is the American military base. Suspected terrorists are kept here. It came to a bad light amid allegations of torture and misconduct by the US in the war against terrorism. The former President who stopped operations in the facility by the former President who Biden administration. According to the report, there are still 15 prisoners.
Illegal migrants in America are no longer good!
Trump’s stance on illegal migrants living in America is strict. As soon as he was sworn in as the President, he had asked to send the illegal migrants living without documents back to their country. He had also warned other countries that if they refused to withdraw these people, then they result in this result. Will have to suffer.